Do you remember this beautiful belly? Well, now there's a beautiful baby! Little Bronson was such a sweetheart for his ENTIRE session. I never even heard what his cry sounds like. He was so sweet and smiley. I just love watching parents with their new babies--so much love. The best part about this session was that Grandma drove through the night from Washington to meet little Bronson and she arrived right during the session. So I got to witness even more love!
And a few items of business. : ) I am scaling back big time. My life right now is TOO busy and I'm trying very hard to stay out of the hospital until the actual delivery. I have a limited number of sessions open for the next few months. My last session before the holidays and the delivery of my baby will be on Wednesday, November 18th. So if you are expecting a baby, you need to contact me very soon to get on the schedule.
Because I'm a softie and because certain things can only be captured once, I will be accepting a few newborn appointments between Nov. 18th. and December 18th. This, of course, is under the condition that my baby isn't a month early!!
And now that we have all the details out of the way, you can enjoy Bronson's pics.
Hi Katie, I stumbled across your blog on facebook. These pictures are all gorgeous! Maybe when you are I both have a little less going on, I can get some cute pictures of my kids!