Thanks to all of you for your well wishes with this pregnancy. Things are going well and I've been to many, many doctor appointments the last few weeks. Everything looks perfect with our little GIRL--I was shocked to find out it was a girl since I was convinced it was a boy this time.
My fall schedule is filling up fast. I'll be toning down my schedule quite a bit to accommodate my growing belly and to avoid bedrest.
So for now, just know that I will be returning emails, phone calls, etc as quickly as possible. Oh, and in the meantime I'll be editing until I can't see straight!
And what's a post without an adorable picture?? Enjoy this sweet one!
Hey Katie, I was just wondering if you'd ever be interested in purchasing some of my beanies for your newborn and toddler sessions. I've done some work for other photographers for this area and the pictures sure turn out cute! Your work is amazing! Anyway check me out at I'm out of Rexburg so it would be easy to meet with you and get some personal ideas you might have! Thank you