A newborn is only a newborn for a minute. The wrinkly skin. The sleepy gazes. The tiny fingers. The fuzzy ears and shoulders.
In less than 3 months, my baby has changes from this:
To this:
And although each new stage is just as exciting as the last one, it's fun to to have a reminder of just how fragile and tiny she once was.
Because once that stage has passed, there's no going back. Except when I get lost in the pictures that captured it.
My sessions are limited and even though I try to fit everyone in, it's just not possible. If you are expecting and wanting to schedule a newborn session, please call me with your due date to ensure a spot in the schedule!
Wow she has changed so much. I didnot realize. I hope everything is going well. We love you and miss you can't wait to see you. Love Becca